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3000 Solved Problems In Linear Algebra By Seymour Lipschutz Pdf Download 30: A Valuable Reference fo


I tried searching for a sane introductory description of Linear Algebra. All I can ascertain is that many problems in many fields of life and the sciences are discretely solved (broken-up, or simplified) by using linear algebra. But I don't really know what this means. Why was it invented? When I open up a book of Linear Algebra, I can't concretely/literally connect the first chapter on linear combinations (for example). Sure, if I looked a bit more, I could tell you how linear combinations might be connected to concept X... but X? How is concept X to linear algebra? And so on. These chain of relations form ... and I've never had a strong foundation to begin with. I can't digest or keep any information I've learned when I don't have a big picture overview of where to 'store' and 'process' the concepts I'm learning. Problem sets are specific to these mystery concepts, and again, I'm just memorizing steps to pass an exam. And then when I see fancy math language (proof language), it just makes me feel like I'm missing something obviously and grandly important.

The problem with most text books is they are written not for students to learn from but for professors to impress each other with. This little gem was pointed out to me by my Antennas professor at university who's notes were spectacularly easy to follow and bore ZERO resemblance to the jargon filled ultra precise notation in Balanis.Ok, so I'm nearing retirement and I never really took Linear Algebra because in engineering they "dog's breakfast" much of the material to shoe horn it into 4 we had 2 weeks of linear algebra which was the normal pablem of determinants, Cramer's rule and multiplying matrices. But there is much more and I want to learn tensors so I need the "much more" bit.So now I'm learning it and have found quite a few texts on line but the one I find the MOST useful is Ron Larson's "Elementary Linear Algebra". The second one I am using is David Lay's "Linear Algebra and Its Applications". Primary difference between Lay and Larson is the lay is much more proof oriented whereas Larson is not. I prefer Larson's layout and approach. Am also using Nicholson's "LINEAR ALGEBRA with Applications" which is available as a free download but he is very proof oriented and the layout is kind of like a handbook. I can see that Nicholson's book is a great reference if you already know the material but to learn from I found it wanting. The last book I was using was "Elementary Linear Algebra" By Author Wayne Roberts....1st edition. I have the students guide as well....they were have a book dump in the math dept at uni so I just took it before they threw it out. Roberts presents things very informally, I can see where some people would like that but I don't.So what I do it take notes from Larson, do all the problems. Then do the problems from Lay, then try and don the problems from Nicholson. I a bit dumb so I need to do lots of problems.The great challenge with linear algebra is that its tedious which makes it least that was the case for me. Differential equations and calculus were different.

3000 Solved Problems In Linear Algebra By Seymour Lipschutz Pdf Download 30



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