DefenseDivas assume no responsibility for any illegal use of it's products and reserves the right to refuse service/sale to anyone. By placing an order, the buyer represents that he/she is of legal age, and will use all products lawfully according to federal, state or local laws.DefenseDivas 2280 County Road 63, Centre AL 35960 (678)770-4543 Media and Appearance Requests should be made to:
Self-Defense for Women
Participants: We welcome all people who identify as women as well as folks who are non-binary. Classes are open to ages 13 and above. Young women under 16 need to be accompanied by a participating adult.
Learning self-defense skills benefits women in ways that extend beyond discovering how to protect themselves. It also boosts their self- esteem and positively affects their personality, according to a new University of Washington study.
The self-defense study involved 80 college students ages 18-23. Weitlauf said most of the women felt vulnerable to physical attack and few had any knowledge of fighting. Thirty of the women carried mace or pepper spray but had little or no idea about how to use either one. Half of those spray cans were empty or had expired.
The 12-hour course taught both physical and verbal resistance to rape. The women learned basic martial arts techniques, how to break free from an assailant and wrestling techniques for fighting at close range. They also were taught how to use their voices as a weapon for resistance, to seek help and to secure breathing space in an attack situation. The class also provided anti-panic training to help the women consider escape routes and fighting strategies in an assault situation.
Smith noted that no ripple effects were discovered in another UW study involving a group of women who learned how to use handguns for protection. This research was conducted by Kim Wheeler, now a Seattle psychologist, as her doctoral dissertation.
Go Guarded ring is a heavy-duty plastic serrated-edge self-defense weapon that is worn on any finger. The Medium size fits ring size 5 to 9, the Large size fits ring size 10-14, and each comes with inserts to adjust the size of the ring. When the self-defense ring is used, blade cover will automatically flex out of the way on impact.
The best self-defense for women is to have a variety of tools that they can use in different situations. Some of the best self-defense tools for women include keychain pepper spray, tactical pen knife, mini stun gun, and keychain weapon.
There are many self-defense tools that women can carry to protect themselves, such as a keychain pepper spray, tactical pen knife, mini stun gun, or safety keychain for women. These tools can help to fend off an attacker and give the woman time to escape.
There are a number of useful self-defense weapons that can be carried by women. Some of the most popular and effective options include pepper spray, stun guns, tactical pen knives, and a women's self-defense keychain. Depending on the situation, one or more of these weapons can be used to effectively defend oneself.
Pepper spray is a particularly popular option for self-defense because it is relatively easy to use and can be very effective in deterring an attacker. Stun guns are also quite effective, though they require direct contact with the attacker in order to work. Tactical pen knives are another good option, as they can be used for both self-defense and everyday tasks like opening bottles or writing. Whichever weapon you choose, make sure you understand how to use it properly before carrying it around with you.
DISCLAIMER, RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: The Home Security Superstore is not responsible for any physical harm or damage from the use or misuse of self-defense products purchased from us.
By purchasing a self-defense product from us you understand that The Home Security Superstore does not warrant that you may legally purchase, possess, or carry these products according to any state or local laws. You also acknowledge that you have determined their legality before purchasing and that you are an adult of at least 18 years of age and under no legal disability.
By purchasing a self-defense product from The Home Security Superstore, the buyer warrants that he/she is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding the purchase, ownership, and use of the item. The buyer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Home Security Superstore for all claims resulting directly or indirectly from the purchase, ownership, and use of the item in compliance or violation of federal state, and local laws or regulations.
Safety and survival in today's world requires a definite course of action. We operate on the premise that a spontaneous violent attack will stimulate a natural desire to resist on the part of the victim (Flight or Fight Syndrome). R.A.D. provides effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological well being.
The course is designed to provide an opportunity for women to learn necessary self-defense and crime prevention fundamentals, both physical and mental, to address a wide variety of situations. Attendees are welcome to attend regardless of previous experience or fitness level.
A. Research has shown that a quality self-defense class can be healing and empowering for survivors. Our instructors are trauma informed and our classroom is a safe space. However, we encourage you to be aware of where you are in your healing process, and to consult with a therapist if you are not sure if you are ready to attend a self defense class.
Attacks against women are proportionally high, so the need for women to carry a self defense weapon is vitally important. While there are several ways to help prevent being a victim, sometimes the unthinkable happens, and one is forced to defend themselves despite being vigilant.
The best self defense tools for women are all in this list, you just need to find the one that makes the most sense for you. I actually recommend using a combination of something subtle and something loud.
While we offer a variety of workshops focused on enhancing the safety and empowerment of women, we also collaborate with other organizations that share our broader mission of enhancing the well-being, leadership abilities and resiliency of women.
When I started looking for a self-defense class, what I was really looking for was one that would teach me how to fight. I go on solo runs most mornings and often walk home alone in the dark from the Metro. If someone were to attack me, I wanted to know, could I take him?
The best self-defense strategies and techniques work equally well for men and women, but let's face it: Women really need them because they're assaulted more often than men. Statistics indicate that one in three women will be the victim of some type of violent attack in her lifetime. Women also endure more incidents of verbal and sexual harassment. Although most women's self-defense courses focus on skills for quickly and efficiently destroying an attacker, self-defense training also should include methods for preventing a confrontation from turning physical in the first place. Learning how to steer away from a threat may not sound as exciting as ripping out an attacker's heart, but as they say in every beginner's class, evading an attack is almost always superior to blocking an attack.
Too many women enroll in a self-defense class after they've been assaulted. When they recount the incident, they often say the same thing: "I had this bad feeling, but I told myself not to be paranoid," or "I knew I shouldn't have gone, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings."
Be aware of the message your body sends to those around you. Like animals, human predators target those they consider the weakest or most vulnerable. Attackers search for women who appear frightened, confused or distracted. They look for women who walk with their head down and their hands stuffed in their pockets, or perhaps one who's overburdened with packages or distracted by children.
Good verbal skills are an effective self-defense tool, one you're likely to use more frequently and successfully than any physical technique. When a predator engages you in conversation, he's actually "interviewing" you to see if you'll make a good victim. An experienced attacker is practiced at using his words to freeze you with fear, thus reducing the chance that you'll try to defend yourself.
In a self-defense situation, one of your secret weapons is the element of surprise. Most predators feel confident that you won't defend yourself, and you should capitalize on that misconception. If you assume a martial arts stance, it immediately tells the attacker that you know how to fight. In response, he's likely to be more aggressive.
More often than not, women end up on the ground when they're assaulted. The good news is that most assailants are not skilled ground fighters; they're bullies who are used to knocking women down and forcing them to comply. Remember that the heel-palm strike and eye strike work well on the ground. It's a good idea to have a few kicks that work there, as well.
Rose City Self-Defense empowers girls, women and the LGBTQ+ community, with a focus on engaging communities of color, people with disabilities, folks with unstable housing, as well as safety for sex workers.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer self-defense instructor! We are currently planning on a new volunteer training in 2023, with dates to be determined. If you are interested in volunteering, please email and let us know your name and email. We will be in contact when we start accepting applications.
Since 1979, we have provided free empowerment-based self-defense classes and personal safety workshops to people around the Portland metro area. We have taught self-defense skills to approximately 40,000 women and teenage girls, and personal safety workshops to over 110,000 people. In our self-defense classes we offer just more than just physical self-defense skills. Included are topics such as using your intuition, understanding different escape options, negotiating consent, information about abusive relationships, boundary setting and assertiveness skills. This holistic approach has been successful in teaching our students that physical fighting is our last resort and we have so many options to choose from if faced with the threat of violence. 2ff7e9595c